

Travel and Coffee

Iconic Coffee Destinations: Must-Visit Spots for Caffeine Lovers

Iconic Coffee Destinations: Must-Visit Spots for Caffeine Lovers

This article takes a deep dive into some iconic coffee destinations around the world.So, if you’re a coffee enthusiast who loves to travel, this is for you.Coffee is more than just a simple beverage; it’s a global obsession that has permeated the fabric of countless societies across the planet. From small villages to bustling cities, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee transcends geographical boundaries and continues to captivate our senses.Here, you’ll explore some of the most iconic coffee destinations worldwide, where coffee beans have shaped not only taste buds but entire cultures and ways of life.Ready?Let’s begin! The Birthplace of Coffee: Ethiopia Have you ever wondered where coffee originally came from?Spoiler alert: it’s Ethiopia – the place where the famous Arabica coffee plant was born.Legend has it that coffee was discovered in Ethiopia around the 9th century. A goat herder named Kaldi observed his goats becoming energetic after eating the…

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Travel and Coffee

Where to Drink Coffee in Porto | 6 Best Porto Cafés

Where to Drink Coffee in Porto | 6 Best Porto Cafés

Today’s post was written in collaboration with the folk over at The Apartment on Silveira, a blog about all things Portugal and Airbnb. If you are planning a trip to Portugal any time soon and you’ve landed on our page, chances are this is for you. For the full list of Porto cafes check the original post over at their blog titled, Where to Drink Coffee in Porto | 10 Best Porto Cafés. Morning Coffee at Combi Roasters I’m not one of those people who can resist the allure of a good café. While I don’t fit the stereotypical mold of a specialty coffee snob with a handlebar mustache or a fixie bike, I definitely fall somewhere on the coffee-lover spectrum. For me, the best way to explore any new city is to discover the local cafe culture and nearby coffee shops. Luckily, Porto is a city not without its…

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